
The emergence of innovative technologies influences our culture and the way we look to the future. Outsiders of the industry may look to autonomous vehicles as an icon of innovation on the roadways, but for DOT officials, manufacturers, suppliers and contractors in the roadway safety industry, innovation is not a stationary achievement. Roadway safety innovations include smart work zones (SWZ), intelligent transportation systems (ITS), variable messaging and much more. ATSSA is committed to helping drive innovation in the roadway safety industry. The Innovation Council (member login required) was developed for this purpose.

One innovative effort ATSSA is involved in is a joint initiative with the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Standing Committee on Traffic Control Devices (AHB50). Both ATSSA and TRB sponsor and conduct an exciting design competition, the Traffic Control Device (TCD) Student Challenge, to promote innovation and stimulate ideas in the traffic control devices area with a goal to improve operations and safety.

ATSSA also hosts several events each year that showcase innovative new products and advancements in the roadway safety industry.

Find recent updates and resources highlighting the latest innovations below and be sure to check back for updates.

Leveraging Connected Worker Technology to Improve Roadway Safety

Learn how connected worker technology is enhancing roadway safety in Michigan – watch our on-demand webchat to explore current projects,…

AI in Transportation & Uses for Disaster Recovery, Compliance & Sustainability

This webinar explores how artificial intelligence can help address growing challenges in roadway maintenance. State and local transportation agencies are…

Convention & Expo
Traffic Control Device Student Challenge

ATSSA is involved in this innovative joint initiative with the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Standing Committee on Traffic Control Devices…

Federal Highway Administration
Work Zone Safety Grant Course Booklet

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) actively supports work zone safety and has awarded ATSSA multiple grants to provide nationwide safety…

Case Study – Innovations to Improve Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety

The “Traffic Control Device Innovations to Improve Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety at Signalized Intersections” publication describes successful strategies adopted by…

Case Study – Innovations in TTC

This “Case Studies on Innovations in Temporary Traffic Control (TTC)” publication is available for digital download and includes examples that…