The purpose of this 4-page “Treating Potential Back-of-Queue Safety Hazards” 8.5 x 11″ document is to highlight strategies that can help reduce the work zone congestion that increases back-of-queue crash risk. It is widely recognized that when congestion develops and queues form at the approach to work zones, the risk of crashes increases, especially on major highways where speeds are high and drivers are accustomed to unencumbered travel. Studies have shown that rear-end crashes in the advance warning area for a work zone are the most common type of work zone crash. Analysis of work zone impacts can help agencies design the appropriate mitigation techniques. Additionally, proper temporary traffic control and the use of congestion mitigating strategies and techniques will help manage the queuing associated with work zones.

This product was developed under the Work Zone Safety Grant, awarded to ATSSA by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).

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