Automated vehicle perception devices (i.e., cameras, sensors and image processing software) are crucial components for the operation of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs); they enable automated vehicles to read the road environment and detect potential obstacles on the travel way. The application of an appropriate “LED flicker rate,” also known as the refresh rate, in road infrastructure equipped with LED affects the accurate and precise readability of the road environment and infrastructure by CAVs. The harmonization of flicker rate requirements in infrastructure lighting devices is an avenue that is being explored to addressing the flicker rate issue. Experts suggest that flicker rates greater than 200 HZ may be a good starting solution to tackle this issue. This recommendation was also included in the proposed Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) includes new provisions for Automated Vehicles. Speakers: Brian Deegan with Valeo Vision Systems, team leader of the IEEE P2020 Automotive Image Quality Working Group, LED Flicker Subgroup; Robin Jenkin, Principal Image Quality Engineer at NVIDIA.

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