The proposed Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) includes new provisions for Automated Vehicles. One of those relates to how cameras see LEDs used in traffic control devices. In this webinar, “LED flicker” will be described from the perspective of forward-looking vehicle cameras used to provide active safety features as well as automated vehicle features. Learn more from experts in the industry about potential safety and readability issues as it relates to the flicker rate of display boards and traffic control devices. Hear about LED flicker root cause and impacts and enjoy an introduction to IEEE P2020 Camera Image Quality Working Group in this July 12, 2021 webinar.


  • Brian Deegan with Valeo Vision Systems, team leader of the IEEE P2020 Automotive Image Quality Working Group, LED Flicker Subgroup
  • Robin Jenkin, Principal Image Quality Engineer at NVIDIA

Watch the recording

Resource Type

  • Archived Webinar

Audience Type

  • Committee/Council
  • Contractor
  • Member
  • Public Agency
  • Services


  • Funding
  • Government Relations

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