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Save the date for the 2025 Legislative Briefing & Fly-In, April 1-2, in Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C. gives you access to key decision makers that no other city can provide. The ATSSA Legislative Briefing & Fly-In focuses on timely and pressing federal policy issues that have an impact on America’s roadway safety infrastructure policy at all levels. This is a unique opportunity for ATSSA members to drive our message to Capitol Hill to interact with high-level policymakers, members of congress and congressional staff, and hear from department of transportation (DOT) officials. Through the experiences shared at Fly-In, ATSSA members are able to take their valuable knowledge and learnings back to their businesses and local communities. The impact of the pertinent work done at the Legislative Briefing & Fly-In is easily felt through ATSSA members across the nation.

Schedule of events:

  • Monday, March 31 – Attendee arrivals.
  • Tuesday, April 1 – Legislative Briefing at the Courtyard Washington Downtown where attendees will hear from speakers and legislators on crucial federal policy issues affecting America’s roadways and transportation infrastructure.
  • Wednesday, April 2 – Attendees head to Capitol Hill to convene directly with members of Congress and key congressional staff.

See the impact of ATSSA’s Legislative Briefing & Fly-In! Members shared their concerns with Rep. Rudy Yakym during the 2023 & 2024 Fly-Ins, leading him to present their issues to the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee.

Encourage legislators to work with us by making your voice heard.

Event type

  • Legislative Briefing & Fly-in


  • Washington, DC
  • USA

Additional info

Registration Info

Registration for the 2025 Legislative Briefing & Fly-In is now live. Participants can register online or at the GR booth at the ATSSA Pavilion during the 55th Annual Convention & Traffic Expo.

Housing Information

ATSSA has secured a room block at Courtyard Washington Downtown, 901 L St NW, where the Legislative Briefing will be held. To receive the best rates, book by March 7. ATSSA cannot guarantee hotel room availability or reduced rates after March 7.