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Attend the 2024 Legislative Briefing & Fly-In, April 23-24 in Washington, D.C.

Campaign for roadway safety: Encourage support for safer roads.


Washington, D.C. gives you access to key decision makers that no other city can provide. The ATSSA Legislative Briefing & Fly-In focuses on timely and pressing federal policy issues that have an impact on America’s roadway safety infrastructure policy at all levels. This is a unique opportunity for ATSSA members to interact with high-level policymakers, members of congress and congressional staff, and hear from department of transportation (DOT) officials.

Schedule of events:

  • Tuesday, April 23, Noon-5 p.m. – Legislative Briefing at the Courtyard Washington Downtown where attendees will hear from speakers and legislators on crucial federal policy issues affecting America’s roadways and transportation infrastructure. Lunch will be included. The Briefing is followed by an evening reception, 6-8 p.m., supporting the ATSSA Political Action Committee (PAC) at the hotel.
  • Wednesday, April 24 – Attendees head to Capitol Hill to convene directly with members of Congress and key congressional staff.


During a decisive election year, encourage legislators to work with us by making your voice heard.

Event type

  • Legislative Briefing & Fly-in


  • Washington, DC
  • USA

Additional info

Registration Info

This event is exclusive to ATSSA members. Free registration for the 2024 event is now open until Monday, April 15. Registrations completed after April 15 include attendance at the legislative briefing, but do not guarantee Capitol Hill meetings.

Register now


Housing Information

ATSSA’s room block with reduced rates is now closed as of March 22. Attendees are welcome to book at the current rate at the Courtyard Washington Downtown, 901 L St NW, where the Legislative Briefing will be held. ATSSA cannot guarantee hotel room availability or reduced rates after March 22.

Other Announcements

First-time attendee scholarships

ATSSA offers $750 scholarships to the first 10 first-time attendees who register for the Legislative Briefing and Fly-In to help offset travel costs, as registration is complimentary. Register early!